Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Ferguson method

 This interview with Lady Tureiti Moxon is a classic example of Susie Ferguson’s modus operandi.

Ferguson obviously approves of her interviewee so treats her gently, obligingly prompting her with leading questions – rather like a good lawyer – knowing what the answers will be. (Example: “Is Grainne Moss’s position untenable?”)

I think we can safely assume they are answers Ferguson agrees with. They are the answers she wants. If they weren’t, you can be sure she would take a more aggressive approach.

At the end of the interview we are left with the impression that uplifts of Maori babies were primarily motivated by racist malevolence. But even allowing for the possibility that Oranga Tamariki’s practices were flawed, shouldn’t we at least acknowledge that the department’s social workers – some of whom may very well be Maori – were motivated by sincere and genuine concern for the babies’ wellbeing?

It seems to me that by not putting that possibility to Moxon, Ferguson was party to an unjust calumny.  


  1. You are still listening to Morning Report? I stopped after Geoff Robinson left.

  2. Your self-torment in even listening to Mng Rpt Karl reminds me of an aphorism my father used to relate about the man who kept banging his head against a wall. When asked why, he responded "because it feels so good when I stop".

    Toady Terguton is just another in a long line of biased and prejudiced lackeys of a state media controlled by ideologues, and nothing is going to change any time soon.

  3. Greetings Karl.I can't find an email address for you.What is it thanks?[I've just read your fantastic Road Tour and want to ask you about the next's hoping there is one!].Kind regards Mike Shennen

  4. Good to hear from you Mike. Glad you enjoyed the book.
    I'm a bit reluctant to put my email address in the public domain, but if you're willing to post yours here, I'd be very happy to get in touch.

  5. Laughed when I read Rowan G's comment above, as I had pined aloud for that very excellent Morning Report stalwart recently. Only bother with selected interviews via podcast now, across the board, apart from Jim Mora's show. Mediawatch has lost its mojo...I mean, it's bloody sad.

  6. Personally, I’m sick of all tv and radio ‘news’ or ‘interviews’ - I rarely watch or listen these days as it affects my well-being! The latter are largely the interviewer grandstanding and wanting to be a smart arse. It’s usually a ‘beat up’ or a ‘suck up’.They are interested in furthering their own careers not about the speaker informing the listener in my opinion. The ones that talk more than their ‘guest’ or constantly interrupt depending on their preconceived agenda are beyond contempt...
