Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Dial an abortion

New Zealand women will soon be able to procure an abortion simply by lifting the phone, and the taxpayer will obligingly pick up the tab.

Associate Health Minister Ayesha Verrall has proudly announced the government will fully fund a telehealth service called Decide, describing it as the latest milestone in the provision of abortion services.

I can think of only one word for this: grotesque.

It means pregnant women will be able to obtain an abortion as easily as they can dial up a home-delivery pizza or order a movie from YouTube. And why not? I mean, what’s so special about human life that makes it worth protecting?

Users of the service will be able to order two pills which, when taken during the first nine weeks of pregnancy, will induce a miscarriage.

It’s called a medical abortion as opposed to a surgical one. It’s less gruesome, in so far as the unborn baby isn’t scraped or vacuumed out of the womb, and hence it’s a much easier sell to women who might have qualms about the process.

But both types of abortion involve the extinguishing of a human life. And if society measures its humanity by how it treats its weakest and most vulnerable, this latest “milestone” marks a shocking new low – one that’s strikingly at odds with the our prime minister’s carefully cultivated image of compassion and the Left's supposed concern for the powerless.

Generations of New Zealand women have now been thoroughly inculcated with feminist ideology which treats the unborn child as an inconvenient lump of tissue that prevents them from fulfilling their social or professional aspirations. They have been encouraged to believe that removing this encumbrance is a matter of no more consequence than the extraction of a problem tooth.

Stuff’s story on the new service comments that while the law changes of 2020 have made abortion more accessible, which is a euphemistic way of saying New Zealand now has one of the most wide-open abortion laws in the world, “there is still a long way to go”. In other words, it’s not enough that nearly one in five New Zealand pregnancies already ends in a human life being snuffed out. We must redouble our efforts!

I wonder what they’ll call the new abortion hot line. Presumably something easily memorised, such as 0800-killmybaby. That’s pretty catchy.




  1. If the left wonder what is "radicalising" people (i.e. creating people who reject the progressive neo-liberal orthodoxy and its consequences), then they need only look in the mirror. They celebrate this as being a sign of "progress"? They are the exemplars of what it means to be anti-human yet they have the gall and lack of self-awareness to present themselves as morally unimpeachable and the arbiters of the correct political view. Radical leftism was deliberately introduced to morally sound, orderly and cohesive societies as one would introduce dynamite to destroy an office block. It is sounds pretty exciting and looks spectacular, but it ultimately leaves you without any coherent integral supporting structure, just a pile of rubble.

    1. I agree. My personal take is the Abour Party wd be better called the Death Party - abortion, euthanasia, ethnic/racial governance (death of democracy) -- where and how will it stop?

  2. Brave man Karl. I have previously on some internet space pondered how we as a race got to this space where nascent human life wasn't valued more highly, that it was now "broadly accepted" that pro abortion was not only the acceptable liberal/intelligencia position but that we should celebrate abortions (up to and including birth) with no remorse. I experienced my first internet "pile on"!

  3. And this is their plan in the US if Roe vs Wade gets overturned: Women in red states will be able to order online their pills from providers from blue states and get them mail-delivered. We're just the proof of concept.

  4. My God !!!
    We are leading the world in infanticide !!!
    Excellent article Karl.
    It raises the ridiculous fantasy that it is "a woman's own body" and that abortion by choice is a "female health issue".
    I read the Dom article myself, and found the article seemed quite proud of this great advance in dial-an-abortion services.
    It has never been explained by the so called "feminists" why it is okay to kill a child before being born, but not okay after birth.

  5. Modern Progressivism is profoundly nihilistic, being characterized by the belief that all values are of no value, to be replaced by empty slogans like "Be Kind". This is New Zealand's future, arriving sooner than you think.


  6. In the Dom, on the very next page after the article celebrating the dial-an-abortion article, there was another article about the severe child abuse at Gloriavale, rightly condemning it in the strongest terms.
    Hypocritical ??? Okay to kill the child in the womb ???

  7. It is a sad day, Karl. Nobody fully understands it now – but our enlightened, humane civilisation will pay a price. We have consciously turned our backs on what is actually universal human ethics, namely that life, once created, is holy and must be protected. “Thou shalt not kill” is most certainly not just a Christian notion – all other religions, or stone-age understandings, generally speaking adhere to that principle.

    Our basic culture will suffer grievously. But what is done may be undone. Several states in the US are now, so many years later, reversing their abortion legislation -

  8. We live in an anti-culture. It is profoundly against everything that western civilisation was built upon. One of those foundations stones was the sacredness of human life.

    Proverbs 8:36b paraphrases our present reality as follows: "All those who hate me love death."

  9. In fact the End of Life Choice Act was initiated and promoted by David Seymour.

  10. Oh, David as in wiggle bottom, euthanasia enthusiast, and now killthebabies promoter.

  11. It's hard to keep up:
    - Abortion on demand - Good
    - Euthanasia - Good
    - Choose your own gender - Good
    - Talking to children about transgender options - Good
    - Puberty blockers for minors without parental consent - Good
    - Gender reassignment surgery for minors - Good
    - Conversion therapy - Illegal
    - Ephebophilia - Coming to an Overton Window near you
    - Paedophilia - On the agenda shortly
    - Christianity - A cult for the underclass
    - Catastrophic Climate Change- A cult for the ruling class
