Friday, February 18, 2022

Mallard must go

The Free Speech Union has launched an online petition calling on Parliament to remove Trevor Mallard as Speaker of the House. I've signed it and I urge others to consider doing likewise. You can find it at


  1. Excellent. Signed that. Thank you; oops I need to stop saying thank you! This is normal, loving common sense action.
    My thinking in trying to approach Mr Parnell was that perhaps he might like to take his policing with consent to a new level, ie if the nation witnessed him standing with the protesters to ask Mallard to resign then we could begin healing.
    I saw our beautiful families at the protest. They need to be home. How can anybody judge that they are in the wrong place when they have no empathy let alone true journalists reporting? These little children are in the right place! Honestly, I can only say 'thank you' to them. My spirit is in that place too.
    If the Police had not given into fear the day I visited, by now Kiwis who respect them (all those who feel our men in blue must be in the right and that anyone who gets off side them must be in the wrong - which is most of our MSM viewers, I think) would be greatly relieved.
    The protest people represent the majority. This is the crux of democracy. Mr Parnell could have gotten MSM to live stream him standing with the people. We certainly were ready with songs and stamina and civility (totally opposite to how our speaker behaves).

    Mallard must go. Such evil hurts Kiwi families.

  2. It is going to be difficult for the [Pravda] media and the government to maintain the falsity that the protestors are a bunch of alt-right, Islamophobic, anti Semitic rabble from the bottom of the filth pile.
    The protestors have now been joined by Gilda Kirkpatrick, Jason Kerrison and Russell Coutts.
    Suck it up Stuff. Start doing REAL journalism.

  3. Signed.

    Funny TVNZ News did not mention this petition but did one for the protesters to leave. In my view Mallard is a bigger threat to both Wellington and the country than the protesters.

  4. Just signed, sealed and delivered.

  5. Signed, sealed, delivered...The delights of Wainuiomata are manifold. I hope soon we will see photos of the Duck blissfully tending his bed of deadly nightshade and tending his flock of pet white longer a blight on the people's house.


  6. His big mistake was using Barry Manilow ... lol. Signed.

  7. Mallard has long been thought of as a bully - what bothers me more is that his behaviour is tolerated by so many because it suits their narrative. Someone’s greater good is not an excuse for poor behaviour

  8. Done - who would have thought any subsequent Speaker of the House could make Margaret Wilson look good?
