Saturday, September 22, 2012

Kim Hill reveals her warm, fuzzy side

I hadn’t consciously heard of Caitlin Moran until this morning, but when I listened to Kim Hill’s gushing intro to her interview with the British writer and columnist, I knew we were in for a love fest. And so it turned out.
Hill cooed with unabashed adoration for her guest. And of course she would: Moran is the sort of interviewee she likes – fashionably left wing, a feminist and a socialist (I didn’t know this before, but I do now); the type of guest whom we’ve learned from experience can expect a cruisy ride from a host noted for her take-no-prisoners approach with people she dislikes.

The famously incisive interviewer purred with delight as, between the two of them, they picked off some easy, predictable targets: David Cameron, Boris Johnson, Mitt Romney. No hard questions; no attempt to probe beneath Moran’s glib, faux-proletarian politics. (One simple question I’d like put to all these self-avowed socialists: give us an example of a socialist society that has worked. I’ll die waiting.)
The contrast with the hostile treatment given to guests such as John Howard, Owen Glenn and the American journalist Thomas Friedman couldn’t be more striking. Hill didn’t ask how much this champion of the working class earns (apparently in the vicinity of £250,000 a year), though she thought this a relevant question when she interviewed Friedman. There’s an obvious difference of course: establishing that Friedman was a wealthy man would have confirmed that he was just another greedy capitalist cheerleader, whereas it's so obvious that Moran gives all her money to the poor that the issue needn't be brought up.

I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. I don’t mind being exposed to the views of people like Moran, no matter how much I might disagree with them. She’s clever, witty and articulate; what’s more, I accept that Cameron, Johnson and Romney are men who richly deserve to have their vanity and pomposity punctured.
What I object to are double standards and abuse of power. There’s a double standard here because Hill interviews left-wing guests far more often than conservative ones, but more to the point she adopts a markedly different approach with the latter than with the former. She fawns over guests whom she finds ideologically and politically simpatico (I swear at one point I heard her declare to Moran, “I love you!”), but takes a relentlessly aggressive line with people like Howard.

It’s an abuse of media power because Hill consistently uses her programme to promote views she approves of and attack those she doesn’t like. That would be acceptable from a privately owned radio station, but Radio New Zealand is owned by the taxpayers and has an obligation – recognised in its charter – to provide balanced and impartial coverage of current affairs. It does not exist to provide a platform for the views of a smug Wellington elite.
The bias even extends to the choice of music. The Moran interview was preceded by the latest satirical song from Randy Newman, darling of the condescending American intellectual left – a song entitled I’m Dreaming of a WhitePresident.  

I’d love to see the ratings figures for Saturday Morning with Kim Hill. One of its defining qualities is that Hill seems to assume all her listeners think just like her, but I wonder how many such people exist outside Green-voting inner-city ghettoes like Aro Valley and Grey Lynn. Most people I know, from across the political spectrum, look at me with a mixture of pity, wonderment and alarm when I mention that I still occasionally tune in.
Footnote: I’ve just read that Moran had her third child aborted, an experience she wrote about with what Diana Wichtel in the Listener described as industrial strength insouciance – “not a moment’s guilt, remorse, self doubt”. (Perhaps Moran felt she couldn’t afford another baby on her menial income.) To me this revealed far more about Moran than anything I learned from the Hill interview.




  1. Well said-I usually avoid listening to Red Radio but if her bias in interviews annoys you, and it certainly annoys me, then you must have as much of a problem with Chris Laidlaw whose programme sounds like 'Green Party Radio'. I don't object to them doing this if it was a private radio station but we know what Kim Hill thinks of private broadcasting-she made that clear and then tried public TV where she didn't seem to mind being on the commercial-ridden TV1-unfortunately she wasn't very phoygenic.......

  2. As it appears to be a subject of interest to you, you can learn more about Caitlin Moran's abortion in her book "How to be a woman". It's in the chapter titled "Abortion".

  3. Jigsaw:
    "Red Radio"? There was a time when I might have said that was a fair description of Radio NZ (allowing for a bit of hyperbole), but not now. Morning Report, Nine to Noon and Afternoons with Jim Mora strike me as pretty fair and balanced, overall. (I can't comment on Checkpoint because I hardly ever hear it.) Kim Hill's programme stands out because it displays such overt bias when other RNZ programmes are generally trying to play it straight. Overall, things are better than they used to be - at least, that's my impression.
    You mention Chris Laidlaw. I've written before that no one would ever die wondering what his politics are, and it's true that he shows a marked preference for lefties. Only last week he interviewed James Harris, leader of the US Socialist Workers' Party (membership: 7 at last count). And like Hill, he lets them off the hook with soft questions. But I'll say this for Chris Laidlaw: on the rare occasions when he does interview a conservative or right wing guest, he gives them a fair hearing, unlike Hill. His interview with the late Roger Kerr in 2009 was a good example.

  4. Saturday Morning with Kim Hill has a cume audience of 196,000 listeners according to the latest Nielsen All New Zealand Radio Survey.
    Radio New Zealand audience research data is freely available to the public. We report against public value and Charter objectives as well as the performance of our networks and individual programmes. Latest results for Radio New Zealand National and Radio New Zealand Concert networks and individual programmes are available on the Radio New Zealand website. The website carries full details of Radio New Zealand research survey methodology and the latest results. This information is up-dated every ten weeks.

  5. Thank you for that, Unknown. But why the anonymity?

  6. Apologies Karl. A new registration for the Blog and my signature dropped off the earlier post.

    John Barr
    Communications Manager
    Radio New Zealand
