Friday, June 2, 2017

The crisis in the print media - and what's at stake

My apologies to anyone who followed a link here expecting to see my Listener article on the crisis in the print media. After posting it, I realised I might be depriving the Listener of revenue from anyone wanting to read it behind their paywall. And since they paid for me to write the story, that wouldn't be fair, so I've taken it down.  You can see from this that I'm still getting to grips with the digital environment ...


  1. Good piece but I think you make the same mistake that all in your industry have made, that is not challenging your own premises. You say, "good journalism is vital to an informed society", but I do not agree. Good information may be vital to an informed society, but in a digital world that information doesn't have to be curated by an exclusive group of people who title themselves journalists, any more than booking travel has to be done through travel agents.

  2. This is weird good . A journalist with ethics, probably honest as well.
