Friday, August 16, 2019

My one-millionth page view

This blog achieved a milestone of sorts yesterday when it clocked up its one millionth page view.

It’s taken a while to get there: the blog was launched in May 2008.

For a long time my readership averaged between 200-300 page views daily, but lately it’s been up around the 500 mark.

On a good day it can get as high as 2000. This usually happens when there’s a link to this blog from a much more popular site such as Kiwiblog or, until its recent demise, Whale Oil.

Who are my readers? I’m not really sure. Most commenters choose to remain anonymous, which is fine with me unless they’re engaging in a personal attack, in which case I want to know who my accusers are.

Speaking of which, I’m very grateful to the people who comment regularly – you know who you are – and take some pride in the fact that the comments, while often trenchant, are always intelligently expressed and don’t descend to the levels of abuse and malice often seen elsewhere in the blogosphere.

Anyway, that’s enough self-aggrandisement. On to the next million …


  1. Well done Karl.
    Your blog (discovered by me only quite recently) is in fact one of the very best, high quality in depth, balanced news commentaries.
    I appreciate your intelligent and well balanced new articles on current affairs, and ! recommend you to all my friends. (Some of whom are Lefty and don't really want to know !)

    I'm never anonymous. You can look me up on the Pharmacy Council register any time.
    Thanks again Karl
    Doug Longmire

  2. Is this really something worth writing about - why yes, yes it is!

    Great effort Karl. Interestingly I'm hearing your name appear in more and more conversations. I think a lot of people are genuinely starting to get fed up with some of the other drivel groupspeak opinion pieces that when read something as sane and clear as your words its almost "therapeutic"!

  3. Congratulations Karl. I read your blog because you are one of the few independent journalists providing a balanced view on today's issues. The Kiwi Izzy Stone perhaps?

  4. Hello again Karl,

    My full name is Jeffrey Griffith. As i said I lived in Masterton but shifted to Wanaka in 2014.
    I am so pleased that I was re- awakened to your column.
    I look forward to your approval ( or otherwise ) to air some of the topics facing our little country

  5. This is very good news Karl. Well done indeed. Your columns have been very influential in helping me reform my political views over the last 18 months. Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the social / political debate in this country.

  6. Well done Karl - Waipukurau boy does good!!

    Didn't I hear you with either Peter Williams or Sean Plunket the other day.

  7. Hi Karl

    I now live in Dannevirke, capital of Northern Wairarapa, Southern Hawkes Bay.
    I love everything you write. I am with you.
    Keep up the great work.

    Ian Harrowfield, ex Masterton Medical Pharmacy.

    PS Love to have a jam some time

  8. Also a relatively recent commenter and congrats from me. I retired and had more time to seek commentary that was increasingly being withdrawn from the dailies...sensible, informed and nuanced. And like BA above I regard it as a sign of the times that 'therapy' is even required!

  9. Well done on the million karl.

    I am a regular reader, very seldom commenter.

    Your blog is one of the few that intelligently and eruditely promotes the freedom that most New Zealanders take for granted but which is increasingly under attack, particularly from the current left.

    For that I thank you.

    I consider your blog a "must read" and hope the second million comes far quicker. In fact I'm sure it will.

    Phil Blackwell, aka MT_Tinman

  10. Thank you all. I value your support. Good to hear from you Ian, and from you, Donald.
    Ian, my guitar playing isn't too flash these days, but I did perform three songs last night at the Wellington Bluegrass Society and they didn't run screaming from the room, which I found quite encouraging. Perhaps they were just being polite.

  11. Well done Karl - keep it up. I'm not a regular commenter but definitely an avid reader!

  12. Congratulations on your stamina, Karl, and of course on your writings.

    I started a blog about 2007 and managed to keep it going for a few years, but family, life, work, and travel meant it slipped gradually away when we went overseas for three years.

    These days online media is too dangerous for my liking to participate in much, really; but I enjoy reading widely online and in print, including your blog and print offerings.

    Well done!

  13. That’s excellent news, Karl. I thoroughly enjoy your columns even when, as occasionally happens, I find our respective points of view entirely at odds. You write so lucidly and well. In today’s media world you are a rara avis in that respect.

  14. Well done for keeping it going all those years.
    I'm an avid reader. Actually, if there's a 'delay' seeing new blogs from you, I'll go back and read previous ones!
    Bruno DeL

  15. Congratulations Karl. Your blog is one of the few remaining beacons of sanity among the New Zealand media which otherwise appear intent on suppressing points of view that do not fit with their post modernist neo-Marxist mindset. Their hegemony is almost complete; the new "hate speech" laws are likely to seal the deal. If only New Zealanders had the moral fibre of the people of Hong Kong.
