Wednesday, September 25, 2019

I missed one

Exhibit C (see previous post): Greta Thunberg and the attendant media circus.


  1. Thunberg was described by a friend as a "pretentious young prig". We're seeing and hearing duplicity and hypocrisy, masked behind idealism, flying in all directions. Question: who's manipulating her?

  2. I agree with you, Karl, that is an absolute circus - but I do not agree with commentator "hughvane" It is not right to use adjectives like that about her - when really the whole circus is caused by the way modern mass social communication can spread a message from one charismatic person, and whip it up to a worldwide frenzy. Fact is, this schoolkid from Sweden has been catapulted up to find herself addressing an United Nation assembly!! It is unprecedented! Of course the media must cover this incredible event She is most certainly not mentally ill or disturbed in any way (as some claim). I think she, as a human being, is wholly admirable - I mean the way she follows her convictions and her heart. She is, of course, talking an awful lot of absolute nonsense - the media should concentrate on that and point out that it was all just emotional gobbledegook of no import - but our journalists are no longer true to the traditional ethics of their profession.

  3. I agree that it is a highly contrived outcome that Greta Thunberg has been given the opportunity to speak to the UN. There are literally thousands of people with more knowledge and wisdom on the subject of climate change who could have presented the case more strongly. However, she is the voice of her generation on this issue and they have a lot more to lose than us older ones. So I have come around to the view that she is a brave and committed young woman and "wholly admirable" as Andy Espersen has said above. If only she stuck to just the climate and the importance of listening to and believing the overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change. She is absolutely correct about that. However, she loses me when she prattles on about the relative unimportance of economic growth and her belief that world leaders are only interested in money, blah, blah. The usual leftist bollocks. Outrage, as a shock tactic, can get you attention for a while when you have solid facts supporting it (as with climate change) but broadcasting an anti-capitalist ideology at the tender age of 16, without depth of understanding of how the world economy works, does the opposite.

  4. Greta Thunberg is a flesh-and-blood puppet... She speaks in memorized phrases and slogans... and with studied and practiced pseudo-outrage.

    People who listen to her are imbeciles.

    1. It's great that she puts her name to her beliefs.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It's 30 years since the collapse of Communism when the Berlin Wall came crashing down. But now the far Left have found another vehicle for imposing their Marxist dystopia on us, the "climate change emergency". It is sad to see so many young minds being pressed into the service of this wicked cause whose primary objective is the collapse of Western democracy. Thunberg is a puppet(recently photographed incidentally wearing Antifa clothing along with her parents). As for the UN, they are an increasingly corrupt and pointless organization now scraping the bottom of the barrel by trying to promote this hysteria.

  7. It is a tragedy that climate change and action to combat it have become so deeply politicised, at both ends of the political spectrum . There may be some 'universalists' on the far left who see it as an opportunity to introduce an authoritarian system of world government but they are a tiny minority of nutty, anti-capitalist extremists. Greta Thunberg may or may not be one of them - I don't know and I don't care. Meanwhile, the majority of the population, those of us who hold to Enlightenment values of reason and evidence-based scientific enquiry, have managed to avoid the trap of attaching a political motivation to observations of nature or to the scientists making the observations. I count myself in that group and thus I do my best to avoid the shrill scaremongering in the msm on climate change. Nonetheless, the climate problem we are all facing is not going to go away by irrationally denying it. Whilst there is scope for disagreement about the speed and magnitude of climate change there is almost no rational basis to claim it is not happening or is not caused by human use of fossil fuels. If we give up on science and reason we invite a return to pre-Enlightenment times of faith-based belief rather than evidence-based proof. The hard left postmodernists have been doing their utmost to discredit science for the last 40 years and now the right has joined them. Frightening times for the rest of us.

  8. Karl, you may want to watch this excellent documentary on the Great Global Warming Swindle if you haven't already seen it. It blows the whistle on the appalling politically driven misrepresentation of the science around climate change. It features leading scientists from the US, UK, Canada, Japan etc - these people are not nut-obs :
