Saturday, December 18, 2021

Sorry, but this blog is no longer ad-free

Readers of this blog will notice that they may now have to navigate around pop-up ads. Having run this site for more than 10 years with no revenue I've decided, reluctantly, to see whether I can generate a very modest income from it. Maintaining the blog is time-consuming and no longer subsidised by other income sources. If the ads become a nuisance to readers, I'm sure you'll let me know. Thanks.


  1. No problem with that. Have you thought about adding a paypal connection to enable donations from readers? NZ is starting to feel like a very foreign land to me, I don't mean "race" but the extreme liberal ideology embraced by many people in the country now. Therefore your articles are heartening and have much wider nuances rather than a political agenda.

  2. Fair enough.

    Much as I loathe ads, if blog owners want to recoup some of their expenses and effort in providing me with interesting and informed commentary, plus an opportunity for me to contribute the occasional brief opinion, this is a reasonable way to do it, though I was disconcerted when an hour ago I clicked an ad on another site which, for once, interested me, only to go straight to a form partly completed with details from my original Wordpress account.

    Please don’t give up commenting.

  3. No worries. Worth it to get your insights.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You go for it Karl, especially if it helps keeps you blogging.

    Merry Christmas and all the best for 2022.


  6. Go for it Karl. You deserve remuneration.
    I, for one, would be happy to pay a subscription.

    Thanks for your excellent articles this year and All the Best for the Festive season !!

  7. So long as they are ads for Landrovers and Dualit Toasters, go for it

  8. Have you considered moving to Substack?

  9. You deserve remuneration for your efforts Karl. I certainly won't let afew ads stop me from coming here to enjoy your wit and wisdom.

  10. As a newcomer, I really appreciate your writing. Always a good read. Thank you.
    Ads no problem here.

  11. Get Ardern to fund your blog.... The precident has been set.

  12. To the anonymous commenter who asked me to email him (her?) about his (her?) thoughts on Christianity: I'm not unsympathetic, but your suggestion would take this blog in a direction that was never intended. So thanks, but no.

    1. The commenter may like economist Michael Reddell's Christian blog called amongtraditions.wordpress Michael has a link in his Croaking Cassandra economic blog.

  13. Please let your sponsors know that I have deliberately disabled my usual ad blocker just for your site. Happy to click a few times to enter this interesting and febrile place.



  14. Karl, your insightful writing brings me genuine pleasure. I’d be happy to contribute a small monthly amount to a patreon account if you decide to do down that route.

  15. We did that on our blog for the initial year way back in 2009 but found that we had no control over what ads got placed on it and there were some from companies that we intensely disliked -- particularly Telecom (as it was named then) and the BNZ. So we decided the loss of about $US 100 per month was worth forsaking for that. But there are other options like 'buy me a coffee' that we're looking at now.

  16. If I could humbly suggest a different path.
    simply called the Value for Value model.
    You provide value and it is fair to ask your readers to provide whatever value they feel is a just recompense.
    There are a few podcasts (yes, sorry) that operate this way and provide themselves a living. This way you shill yourself and your worth rather than goolge ads that can be stripped away anyway.
    You'd be suprised how many would be keen to make a monthly donation. I enjoy your blog. I could be one of many executive producers out there for you.

  17. Have a good christmas and let's get back to putting the country on a course to sanity next year.
