On a recent Monday morning, my wife and I had breakfast at Bordeaux Bakery on Thorndon Quay, Wellington. I expressed surprise that the place was empty. A couple of years ago it would have been humming.
We sat by the window with a view over the street. What we saw was a forest of traffic cones and red-and-white posts delineating the cycle lanes that have spread like a cancer all over the city (a city, it should be noted, whose topography makes it singularly unsuited to cycling because many of its main thoroughfares are narrow and winding).Cyclists rode past in dribs and drabs on their way to work but there were no cars outside because there were no parking spaces. One guy took his chances, stopping illegally for a few minutes while he came in for a takeaway coffee. Other than that, it was just my wife and me.
I felt sorry for the staff. Working in a business with no customers must be demoralising.
It was no surprise, then, to read the depressing announcement only days later that the three Bordeaux cafés around the city were closing, causing the loss of 40 jobs. The owner of the company was blunt about the primary reason: “Everyone keeps telling us how hard it is to get to us,” he told the NZ Herald.
And so continues the slow, torturous death of a city that 20 years ago was buzzing with vitality, ideas and promise. Wellington today is a hostile, alien environment, unfriendly and often bewildering even to its own residents, to say nothing of hapless outsiders trying to navigate streets that resemble obstacle courses. I spent most of my working life in Wellington but sometimes barely recognise the moribund city it has become.
Who’s to blame? The decay began in 2010 when Wellington voted out the last in a long run of capable mayors and perversely allowed itself to be persuaded its future lay with a Greenie blow-in from Britain. Three more useless mayors and Left-dominated councils later, the city has become so terminally dysfunctional that government intervention looks both likely and necessary.
But while it’s easy to pin the blame on ideologically driven zealots at the council table and the tone-deaf, unelected commissars and planners who really run the show, not to mention their media enablers (the Dom Post, under a former editor, harangued its readers almost daily with lectures on the virtues of cycling), it has to be said that the citizens and voters of Wellington can’t entirely escape responsibility.
It’s an old cliché that people get the governments they deserve and the same can be said of councils. New Zealanders en masse tend to be passive, complacent and apathetic. The late Gordon McLauchlan, in his book The Passionless People, called us smiling zombies. We gormlessly stand by while stupid and dangerous things happen, then shriek with indignation when the damage has been done.
We’re all familiar with the parable about the frogs in a pot of water that heats so gradually they don’t realise they’re being cooked alive. By the time the temperature reaches boiling point, it’s too late to reverse the process. The scientific veracity of the analogy has been challenged but it’s apt nonetheless. The city's steady decline, so obvious to occasional visitors, may not seem so apparent to the people who actually live there.
In this case, the frogs are the people of Wellington who allowed a clique of barmy activists to take over their once-proud city. My good friend Neil Harrap points out in a letter in The Post today that Wellingtonians who voted in the last local government elections were far outnumbered by those who couldn’t be bothered. There’s the problem, right there.
"We gormlessly stand by while stupid and dangerous things happen, then shriek with indignation when the damage has been done"
Our national sport has become the watching of train wrecks.
Many of us can now predict which trains will "wreck" based solely upon the identities of the occupants and the quantity of gravy in the galley.
Carl, great article, if not depressing. You might enjoy this article which, I note, the greenie cycleway lobbyists are ignoring: https://www.garymoller.com/post/if-i-had-it-my-way-i-d-scrap-many-of-wellington-s-cycleways
Keep the great articles coming!
Excellent piece, Gary - thank you. All the more persuasive because you speak as a cyclist (as I was in Wellington, although only recreationally). I urge people to read it.
I enjoy your commentaries Karl. On the button.
It takes special courage to stand up and be counted in our little country. My father would be ashamed of that comment from a son he and my mother opted to send to the same secondary school as you - it was financially debilitating for them but CPR for me (even when you sang Moon River three times at my School Ball).
The cost of being brave, if you are in business or even just minding your business, in New Zealand is now, particularly post 2017, is much too high. The cowards, like me, vote but don’t speak too loudly lest our brand is cancelled.
I am a devotee of one Mr Trump, Mr Seymour, Mr Basset, and a few others including your good self. As for Wellington, like you, I lived there for many years and loved the city. It’s now the sad café but hopefully, not beyond redemption. Keep on blogging!
Yes, well said Karl, Gary, and other commentators. Wellington is a sad reflection of its former vibrant self. The whole purpose of spending money on infrastructure is to improve those utilities and services and thereby also, hopefully, improve amenity values for the benefit of the majority. It's surely not to make life more difficult and burdensome, which most certainly is the current outcome in many of the instances cited. And those that think if the whole city took to cycling (or Shanks' pony), that this would make any measurable difference to our (or the world's) climate, they really are deluded. Simply, the costs generally far outweigh the benefits on this occasion.
Ha! Your recollection is faulty. I was certainly in the band that played at the annual ball of our old school (I'm guessing 1968) and I would have sung a few songs, but Moon River was never part of our repertoire. Andy Williams I'm not.
With e-bikes seemingly outnumbering push bikes, there is no need for separate cycle infrastructure in areas of 30 or 40km/h speed limits as the e-bikes can keep pace with traffic.
I understand that a cycle track could have been located alongside the railway yards behind the Bordeaux building but the council thought it would be too noisy for the cyclists.
I'd like to think that's a joke, but I fear it may not be.
As a resident outside the city but within the region, my nightmare is being forcibly amalgamated with the Wellington fruit loops. I have no expectation that voting behaviour will change. The ‘people’s republic of Te Aro' will continue to drive the agenda. Leaving aside the question of cycle lanes, the decision to retain shares in an asset that will have no value following a major earthquake, accompanied probably by a Tsunami, is equally bizarre.
Hello Karl. Perhaps? Just perhaps, Wellington needs to become a sacrificial lamb on the altar of the warped green idiology
to save the rest of New Zealand.
Perhaps it’s time to let whanau, Chloe , genter and Paul and their misguided cohort go full bore on Wellington with their cycleways and woke nonsense.
Imagine a deserted city with but a few bicycles wobbling in the teeth of a bitterly cold and wet southerly or gale force
winds on expansive cycle lanes — with nowhere to buy a cuppa coffee or tea, because every hospo business has been destroyed leaving kilometres of empty shopfronts. Then flows every other business — clothes, pharmacies, ….
Rivers and streams instead of roads because pipes are leaking, lots of road claiming measures in
Place but no cars, lots of rainbow pedestrian crossing but no people …. Let them turn Wellington into an unapologetic ghetto that the majority of ratepayers are ultimately voting for.
Yes — the incompetent dreamers and fairies need to get their way.
Let them reshape Wellington into a wasteland and the
Blinded might see
Maybe that is the catalyst for right thinking New Zealanders to step up and end the tyranny of the woke elites that has seeped
Into every aspect of lie in new
Zealand and not
For the better.
It might help if people were involved in long term plans. I noticed Bernard Hickey on X saying Christchurch will have to go to 5 stories all over by (some time in the future. This is the logic of globalisation: the market rules and the public must get with the program; is a leveling out of world living standards.
Funny, but perhaps it's all coming to a climax, because I wrote much the same in a No Minister post a few days after you, On Hating Wellington, which in turn was inspired by Tim Selwyn also castigating the place in a post on TDB.
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