Herewith, two unrelated (or perhaps not) examples of the insidious bias that pervades the mainstream Western media. Neither is necessarily of any great consequence on its own, but each is telling in its own way.
■ In a 470-word story on the jailing of former US senator Bob Menendez following his conviction on bribery and corruption charges, the BBC could find no room to mention that he was a senior Democrat.
You can be sure that if he was a Republican, i.e. a Trumpist, we would have been told in the first few lines.
The BBC’s story did mention that Menendez’s son was a Democratic congressman, but that was all.
Inadvertent oversight? Hmmm.
We were told that Menendez, who accepted bribes from foreign governments, notably Egypt, was a former chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee – but still no mention of his party.
And if you clicked on a link to the BBC’s earlier story about his conviction last July, you learned that Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called for Menendez to resign. But even then there was nothing to indicate that Schumer was talking about a member of his own party, and readers could have been excused for assuming Menendez was a Republican.
The headline read Senator Bob Menendez found guilty in bribery scheme. It’s dollars to donuts that if he was from the other side of the aisle, it would have said: Republican senator found guilty in bribery scheme.
Only towards the bottom of that 687-word story was there any indication that Menendez was a Democrat, and even then it wasn’t explicit.
There are two possible explanations here. One is that the BBC’s stories were written and edited by journalists so incompetent or amateurish that they didn’t think Menendez’s party affiliation was significant.
The other is that the BBC (which is taxpayer-funded and therefore has a special obligation to be politically neutral) decided the Democratic Party should be spared the embarrassment of being associated with a corrupt senator. Either explanation is unacceptable, but the second is the far more plausible one.
■ An Associated Press report refers to Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta and other technology companies “trying to ingratiate themselves” with the Trump administration.
I’m sure that’s exactly what the loathsome Zuckerberg and other tech titans were doing, but it’s not the function of an AP reporter to tell us. There should be no place in a straight, factual news account for a loaded word such as “ingratiate” unless the reporter is quoting someone.
A competent reporter, by simply conveying the facts of the story, can leave it to readers to decide for themselves whether Zuckerberg is cravenly sucking up to the White House. Readers are capable of drawing their own conclusions and should be left to do so without being led by the nose. But news stories are now often fatally contaminated by casual, pervasive bias and the intrusion of reporters’ personal judgments.
To allege that someone is trying to ingratiate himself involves such a judgment. Such things used to be the domain of editorial writers and columnists expressing what was clearly identified as opinion. But in 2025, all reporters consider themselves editorialists and the dividing line between "news" and comment has been all but erased.
When I read any “news” story about American politics, my eye goes straight to the bottom to identify the source. If it’s from AP, the Washington Post or the New York Times I know not to assume that it’s balanced and accurate (and by “accurate”, I mean not distorted by the omission of any relevant facts or background information that might not align with the reporter’s perception).
The Washington Post and the New York Times are entitled to spin the news as they think fit and accept the consequences, even if they compromise their credibility in the process. Their subscribers can always opt out if they don’t like what they’re reading. But wire services such as AP operate in a different context.
Because they are usually co-operative enterprises that supply news to media outlets from all points of the political compass, wire services have traditionally been careful to avoid any hint of bias. New Zealand’s own much-lamented NZPA was always rigorous in observing editorial neutrality. But that rule has been jettisoned at AP, whose reporters clearly feel no compunction about feeding the news through an ideological filter. AP political stories come heavily larded with journalists’ own perceptions which are invariably hostile to the political Right.
Stories about Trump, for example, routinely refer to his “lies” and “falsehoods”. These are terms that previous generations of news reporters would never have used unless they were quoting someone. They would have presented the facts and left it to readers to decide for themselves whether the president had a flagrant disregard for the truth (which is clearly the case, but I’m permitted to say that because this is an opinion piece).
The frequent use of the disparaging terms "far right" and "extreme right", to denote all but the mildest and least threatening politicians on the conservative side of the spectrum, is another means by which leftist journalists reveal their ingrained priggishness.
The now-habitual intrusion of personal opinion into “news” coverage isn’t just a breach of traditional journalism rules. On a purely pragmatic level it’s crazy because it accelerates public distrust of an already failing media industry.
It appears not to have registered with American journalists that Trump won the presidency despite overwhelming media opposition. The message was clear: the US mainstream media have rendered themselves largely irrelevant.
When journalists have fallen so clearly out of step with the public mood, they need to re-evaluate themselves. But there’s no sign of that happening, and so journalism blindly continues its determined and suicidal march into the post-journalism era.
I’ve just been reading the Radio NZ news. Prominent are three articles (two about the same person, I suppose to make sure readers don’t miss him, the great-great-great grandson of one of the translators of the Treaty of Waitangi) opposing ACT’s Principles Bill. No articles in support, althogh 60% of the electorate is in favour. Another example of media bias.
If you carefully read nearly any news story there's evidence of political bias. The good old days of straight reporting appear to be behind us.
I call it the Death of Truth.
The good ole days have gone Karl. And as the saying goes do we want them back? Maybe some parts but not all. I was a regular follower of Nat Radio’s morning programme Nine to Noon (Kathryn Ryan). What put me off was her long winded questioning style. Which often amounted to full on editorialising – before getting to the real point of the question. The interviewee was often interrupted and sometimes left being unable to develop a coherent answer. I should go back and listen in again. K Ryan might have run out of puff by now.
My eye, too goes to the bottom of the piece. I'm afraid the content i actually read in the Press gets smaller by the week. Every now & then they surprise me, like a few days ago when they placed 2 opposing pieces on the Regulatory Standards Bill side by side. The plethora of quality stuff around, pods, substacks etc means one need not eke out a daily here.
Follow the unfolding USAID coverage to understand the vast swathes of funds directed by that org into media, academia and political organizations of all stripes.
Media were paid to report as they do. DEI and colonialist tropes I now realise didn't spontaneously emerge, but were deployed the same way as colour revolutions which were an USAID specialiality.
I lament the old style of no nonsense honest news commentary Karl. And still enjoy a well written opinion piece of either or all callings.
I should imagine most of us seasoned old farts (aware of the difference) have long gravitated towards social media, even though there is the need to decipher content so to separate honest items from the proliferation of bullshit that makes up the open type style that dominates the new news highways.
If a man was a socialist then I suppose one could favor a crap narrative.... such as that of The Guardian, but where else does a middle of the road reader go these days to obtain unbiased news items, especially when traditional news outlets previously charged with supplying honest news turned dog, joining the public payroll at a scum driven establishment now emanating from within Wellinggrad.
We march on towards a post-truth world and a post-journalism era Karl. A good number of journalists seem to see the work of journalism in the frame of activism rather than merely reporting the facts without fear or favour. I made a complaint to the Broadcasting Standards Authority a couple of years ago about a reporter giving her opinion during a news bulletin but found obstruction at every turn. They too, it would appear, are among the 'captured' ideologues that have influence in the media today. Recently, I gave up watching the TV news or listening to Radio NZ as an experiment. It was quite refreshing and very good for my blood pressure too.
Good to hear from a former (I won't say old) colleague, Steve. I abandoned the TV news 15 months ago and feel all the better for it.
Thanks Karl.
I really struggle to find an article that's written or presented by a reporter rather than an advocate in any NZ media. As for the lables, they've all become so meaningless these days. I accept with a shrug that when anyone wants to claim that I'm a racist, far right, transphobic, misogynistic, Islamaphobic, genocide supporting, boomer. They are accurate on the boomer line.
Ken Maclaren Napier
Well said Ken, and excellent article, Karl.
TV1 news has become a national embarrassment with it's Left wing bias and it's rubbishly reporting.
Hi Karl. Any and all of your observations regarding the beeb and ap are equally applicable to stuff and nzme. Let’s not even start with rnz and tvnz. Those who became course tutors after less than illustrious journalism careers have to bear the responsibility for producing editorialists and activists. In my experience, journalism grads turned up in newsrooms from the 2000s on lacking basic knowledge in how courts or councils worked, how to write basic reports, how to interview, backgrounding, what is context and what’s not, how to start and end a story, recognising salient facts, how to paraphrase, presentation and punctuation… and even syntax, spelling … the list is endless.
And little has changed.
Casting a jaundiced eye over the local and international reporting since trump took office, it’s obvious the same pattern of throwing vitriol adopted by the local mainstream media after labour/greens were dumped is being replicated in us and international stage. Worst offender? The Guardian which unleashed a flood of opinion
Pieces from ex-labour hacks after a new govt was elected in nz, and who particularly uses the Maori substitute for New Zealand but doesn’t do same with say the Cook Islands, African and Asian nations with indigenous people who may have a name for their country — Australia doesn’t have the same honour that’s been bestowed on nz, apparently. Pretty typical hypocrisy employed by the wokistani media.
We use to be told the truth and had to decide what we thought about it. Now we are told what to think and have to work out what the truth is.
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